On Thursday evening – Zoom Session 6239746443 – we will be exploring Essential Spirituality. The book by Roger Walsh, incorporates ideas from the world’s religions that cultivate kindness, love, joy, peace, vision, wisdom and generosity. On page 4 he gives the end result:
“For thousands of years wise men and women from all traditions have sung the praises of the many benefits that flow into the lives of practitioners as they progress along the spiritual path. Gradually the heart begins to open, fear and anger melt, greed and jealousy dwindle, happiness and joy grow, love flowers, peace replaces agitation, concert for others blossoms, wisdom matures, and both psychological and physical health improve.”
As we embark on this discussion, perhaps we can discuss these ideas:
1. What, in your opinion, is the difference between religion and spirituality? Do you agree with what the author says?
2. What is the purpose of spirituality and religion? Why do we care about these concepts in life? What is the end result of years of exploring spiritual (or religious) ideas?
The book is a jumping off point in our discussion. We will explore chapters 1-3 this week, but please come with your questions, your differences, and your thoughts. If you do not have a book yet (they are available at Unity of Fort Collins by Sunday) come anyway and participate or just listen.